Sleep Experts: Faced With So Many Choices


Have you ever been torn between buying from a Sleep Experts organisation that exhibits the same social ideals as yourself and one that does not? Do you ever dwell on your ideals that shape your decision making on this concept?

Bonding with baby can be simple —a midnight feeding, a shared bath, hiding under a blanket to get a giggle. You could “wear” your baby in a baby carrier or sling, or read, sing, and listen to music together. If you really want to find a special bond you could do a new activity together, for example, baby swimming or baby sign language. Like us, babies are influenced by external factors, such as daylight and warmth, when trying to sleep. Opening curtains, making the room light and playing games in the day is a great way to establish there is a difference between day and night, and your baby will soon learn this. Teaching your baby to sleep can be stressful for many new parents – long days of cleaning blowouts, listening to inconsolable cries, and keeping up with insatiable hunger followed by interrupted nights takes its toll on the whole family. Babies and toddlers can go through several phases of sleep regression and common times include 4 month sleep regression and 8-10 month sleep regression, so this could be the reason your baby is waking at night. Brace yourself too as they can have another sleep regression at two years old. Try rocking baby to sleep in a bedside rocking chair, or walk with baby, patting her back and singing or praying. The average three-month-old’s bedtime is around 9:30 P.M. Yet, as infants get older their bedtime gets earlier, dropping to 8:30 P.M. and earlier. Researchers in Pittsburgh found that infants who went to bed before 9 P.M. slept significantly longer overall (13 hours) than infants who went down after 9 P.M. (11.8 hours). But if you push for a bedtime that’s too early, your little buddy may not be tired.

Sleep Experts

Get some rest yourself: Rather that stress yourself trying loads of different ways to help your baby sleep better, rest and nap when you can and conserve your energy for when you’ll really need it. Some babies can’t fight sleep – their need for shut-eye overrides their desire to play and cuddle. Lucky parents. Others – especially more active, social, inquisitive types – soon realise that going to sleep means missing out on fun. These were often the babies who were most active in the womb. Initially, your baby will wake up, requiring feeding, changing or attention on a frequent basis. Try and put your baby down as soon as they’ve been fed or changed and avoid playing with your baby in the night – they will gradually learn that night-time is solely for sleeping. For feeds and changes, try to keep the lights dimmed to keep this time as relaxing as possible. Sleep regression isn’t something that you can necessarily prevent. All children are different – some babies are naturally great sleepers and stay that way. Others have unpredictable biological rhythms that may lead to more easily disrupted sleep patterns. The gentle approach and caring manner of a baby sleep expert allows them to assist you in the most preferable way to deal with ferber method and to assist you and your family in any way possible.



Ask For Help

When your toddler seems to struggle to fall asleep for a nap, this is a clear sign they are not as tired for a nap as they used to be. As they grow, they are more able to stay awake longer and this period of staying awake for longer can happen pretty quick. The baby's bedroom should be soft, comfortable and cozy. Dispel all the possible distractions from the room to create a sleep-friendly space. This means shutting down the alarm, removing the television and keeping your phones on silent. Refrain from creating a ruckus in the bedroom. Also, if your child is older, consider giving them their separate room. If your baby starts waking up during the night again, don't panic: It's probably just a temporary hiccup. Babies and toddlers often have minor sleep regressions around major developmental milestones or changes in routine, like travel, illness, or a new sibling. As your baby grows, they’ll need fewer night feeds and will be able to sleep for longer. Some babies will sleep for eight hours or longer at night, but not all. By four months, they may be spending around twice as long sleeping at night as they do during the day. Missing sleep can soon turn you into a drooling, dribbling mess, so try and share the burden with your partner. When your baby is old enough to sleep right through without a feed, your partner can really make up for lost time. A sleep expert will be with you every step of the way, guiding you on how best to find a solution to your sleep concerns, whether its gentle sleep training or one of an untold number of other things.

Your baby will need about 9 to 18 hours of sleep until they are 3 months old. The average they will sleep is about 14.5 hours. As your child gets older, it can be helpful to keep to a similar bedtime routine. Too much excitement and stimulation just before bedtime can wake your child up again. Spend some time winding down and doing some calmer activities, like reading. It's normal for a 6-month-old baby to wake up a few times a night, but he should be able to fall back to sleep again on his own. If he can't, he may not know how to self-soothe, so you may want to consider sleep training. If you’ve tried all these tricks and your drooly little friend is still waking at 3 A.M., consider the possibility that you have a bedtime scheduling problem. Three types of timing issues can lead to night waking: Having a very irregular schedule; Going to bed too early; and Going to bed too late. Babies often snooze after feeds, no matter how much you prod and play with them. And before bedtime, you’ll certainly want to fill your little guy’s tummy right to prolong his sleep. For sleep training guidance it may be useful to enlist the services of a sleep consultant.



Cut Out The Light

As parents, you need to pay attention to your child’s activities and daily routine. Look at how they are spending their time. If your child is slightly older, ensure that they get enough physical and mental exercise. For infants, you need to monitor their nap schedule during the day. An infant’s digestive system needs to have developed to support longer periods of night sleep and their calories and nutritional needs must be met during the day. We tend to see this happening between 9 -18 months. Your baby may be overtired. If that's the case, try adjusting bedtime or nap times accordingly to see if that helps him settle down better at night, and make sure to follow a consistent bedtime routine. If you feel that the sheets are too cool and possibly waking your newborn up, warm them up before placing her down. You might even decide to lay a hot water bottle on the crib mattress to warm it up, but make sure it’s just warm and not hot, and remove it before you lay your baby down. Remember, your baby’s skin is more sensitive than yours. Try a continuous-play tape recording of your baby’s favorite lullabies, so when she awakens she can resettle herself to the familiar sleep-inducing sound of the tape-recording. You can make a medley of your own lullabies that have been proven sleep-inducers. There are multiple approaches to 4 month sleep regression and a sleep expert will help you choose one that is right for you and your family.

One crying-it-out type of sleep training is the well-known Ferber Method, also known as "Progressive Watching" or "Graduated Extinction." The goal is to teach your baby how to sleep on their own and put themselves back to sleep if they wake up during the night. After the first months, a good goal is to put your little one down to nap about every two to three hours during the day. Keep naps to under two hours. (By the first birthday, her naps will occur every three to five hours.) Aim for night sleep to contain a stretch of solid sleep of six hours (around four months) and eight to ten hours (by the first birthday). At around eight weeks, you may want to start to develop a calm, soothing bedtime routine. A bath, quiet cuddle, story or lullaby at the same time every night can help your baby to understand that it's time to go to bed. With babies of all ages, feeding your baby to sleep can be lovely. Baby is snuggled in your arms, having a delicious cuddle. It's great for bonding and lovely for both mum and baby. Becoming a parent is a very special time. Getting to know your new baby and learning how to care for her needs can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. However, it can also be challenging, especially when you are tired and your baby is wakeful and wanting to feed frequently during the night. Having a baby is a steep learning curve and aspects such as sleep regression come along and shake things up just when you're not expecting them.



Keep Things The Same

A bedtime routine may seem like a laugh when your child is newborn. And it is. But at around two months according to my experience, it is possible to get into a routine that makes your baby want to go to sleep at around the same time every night. Newborns move from periods of light and deep sleep very quickly. Thankfully, as your little one closes in on four months old or so, her nap periods will become longer. But you don’t have to wait that long. You will be able to enjoy basic hygiene rituals once again. If you want baby to learn to sleep independently though it’s best to move feed a little earlier so they don’t have that association to sleep which can mean they will look for it each time they wake. Unearth more info about Sleep Experts in this NHS link.



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